“The Ultimate EIYPO Blueprint: Everything You Need to Know to Recreate Someone with Ease!” 💫💡
Keywords : EIYPO, Neville Goddard imagination, Neville Goddard quotes, Neville Goddard, subconscious mind, manifest, destiny, manifest.
The entire process of manifesting is about EIYPO (Everyone Is You Pushed Out) , because when you alter your assumption about something, the people in your reality will shift, and bring it to you, whether 1000 or 10,000.
Role of Assumptions
As Neville stated, “ .. if it takes 1000 or 10,000 individuals to move, to confirm your assumption, they will move , since that is what everyone you pushed out is .
When you presume something, someone will take action to make it true, i.e. someone will take action to make your assumption come true. They will have the thought to accomplish what has to be done in their heads. They’ll think it’s their idea and will do it so that you obtain your manifestation; it’s the same thing when you manifest a person to be a specific manner.
Whatever you think you know about someone is TRUE. So if you assume I am rich, you are rich; anything you imagine about your SP(Specific Person) will become your reality; if you believe they don’t want you, don’t love you, or will abandon you, they have no option but to leave you since you believed it, so they must go in that direction. They must perform these things because you anticipated they would and because they are founded on your preconceptions. They don’t have any choice. Your preconceptions shape the people in your life and your situations. As a result, it is unavoidable. There is nothing you can do about EIYPO. They don’t have free will, that’s all. If you are manifesting your ideal job, the HR, manager, or CEO must come up with a reason to choose you above everyone else.
Because you are the GOD of your reality, everyone else in your reality is reflecting back to you what you are thinking. If you expect someone to be kind to you, that’s all they have to be since that’s the position you’ve assigned to them in your reality. You are the source of your reality since you are GOD, and your subconscious mind puts forth your ideas. When you have a thought for your SP (it could be anybody, your parents, friends, boss, teacher, siblings, partner, or anyone in your reality), that idea enters their head since you are GOD here, and they mirror that thought in reality. That’s the way it works. Only you have free will in your reality. You are the sole active power. You are GOD, and everything in your reality, reflects back to you, your assumptions.
Everything in your reality, everything you have, is you pushed out, that your subconscious mind pushed out. So, if you don’t like how someone seems in your reality, you can change it.
“To change a guy, you must first alter an idea of him; you must first believe him to be the man you want him to be and mentally speak to him as if he were,” Neville stated.
The Power of Thoughts
If you hear what you don’t want to hear, modify it in your thoughts to what you want to hear. You have created your reality , whatever it is, and you can un-create it. You can literally do whatever you want since you are the GOD of your reality and have ultimate power over it. You’re going to tell that person, who could be anyone, what they’re going to do, like you love me, you’re obsessed with me, you’re madly in love with me, you’re going to call me, you’re going to ask me out, you’re constantly texting me, you want to marry me, you’re going to give me that scholarship, you’re hiring me right now, you do this, you do that (in your case add the case affirmations ). Choose something you want them to do and mentally tell them to do it. Mentally converse with them as if you were actually conversing with them, and they will reflect your assumptions in 3D.
Remember that you are the GOD of your reality; you are infinite, and there is nothing you can not accomplish or have.
You are the only operant power and can actually create whatever you desire if you believe as if it is already true.
The Power of Affirmations
If you grumble about your SP, you are perpetuating that version of them; constantly switch your thoughts to the way you want them to be. Constantly say what you want to experience in your reality. Constantly repeat your new story no matter what. Because, “Assumptions though false if persisted in will harden into fact”. if you repeat your positive affirmations enough they will shift your reality for sure.
- My SP (Specific Person) adores me
- I always get what I want;
- I am a master of manifestation;
- I always get what I want.
- I always get what I desire
- I am a genius at manifesting
- I am wealthy
- SP is continuously approaching me
- I am a money magnet
- Everyone adores me
- SP is infatuated with me.
- I am a genius; I know all there is to know.
- Money comes to me readily and effortlessly.
- Manifesting comes naturally to me.
You can not claim that you have been manifesting this for months and nothing has happened. It might be because you’ve been performing procedures for a while and all day you’re expecting something you don’t want or responding to their behavior, which keeps the older version of them alive and your manifestation of the new version gets delayed.
About me : I am a conscious being living a conscious life. I firmly believe our consciousness is the only reality and is the only concept one should know to manifest health, wealth, happy relationships, a good career and a true freedom in life. I also believe that “everyone is you pushed out” and your experiences are just a mirror reflecting back what you have inside of you. Implementing this in my life healed my migraine and anxiety issues, healed my relationships and has entirely transformed my life for the better.
I realized my experience is important and I need to share this with a larger audience. I am looking forward to helping people transform their lives for the better.
I do provide 1:1 coaching , you can DM me on my Instagram for more details. I would love to help you get your manifestation.
Happy Manifesting.
Instagram page : https://www.instagram.com/ur_mastermanifestor/
Keywords : manifesting, EIYPO, assumptions, thoughts, affirmations, subconscious mind, reality, specific person (SP), GOD, power, creation, infinite, manifestation technique, positive affirmations, manifestation tips, money magnet, reality shifting.